The Interchange
The Interchange features articles of interest submitted by parishioners along with messages from the priest and senior warden. It also includes critical information about what is happening in the parish, diocese and The Episcopal Church (TEC) generally. To submit content to be featured in The Interchange visit the Parish Communications page.
Message from Mary: Glancing Back
As we make preparations to kick off the fall activities, I feel called to glance back over the past year and share some thoughts of gratitude and peace with you.
Concerts@St. John’s PANdemonium4
Concerts@St. Johns’s kicks off it’s 2023-2024 season with the return of the PANdemonium4 Flute Quartet September 17, 2023 at 4:00p.m.
Taizé Service Sunday September 10, 5:00 p.m.
As Br. Roger of Taizé, France says: “A Gospel light, however feeble it may be, pierces our darkness with its rays. It is fire; it is spirit. It enables us to live Christ’s life both within ourselves and for others.”
Greetings from the Discernment Committee.
We would like to send a big “thank you” to everyone who offered their input to our parish survey. Now that the survey has closed, you may be wondering what will come of the results of your feedback. In the spirit of transparency, we wanted to provide you with some answers to this question.
Celebrating Phyllis Atwood's Birthday
Several members of the Barbara Knight Memorial Prayer Shawl Ministry recently visited Phyllis Atwood to celebrate her ninety-fifth birthday.
A Holy Table
If you’ve been to St. John’s during August, or live streamed the service, you know things have been a bit different during the Holy Eucharist. Chris+ has re-introduced the use of our free-standing holy table, which brings the Holy Eucharist in the midst of the people in the pews.
Manna Meal Hunger To Hope Dinner
Manna Meal will host its second annual benefit dinner, “Hunger to Hope”, on October 10, 2023.
Coffee With Chris: August 17th 2023
A weekly interruption to give you a heads up at the happenings at St. John's.
A Trip Down Memory Lane
On a rainy June day, three Blackwood women visited Peterkin Conference Center in the eastern panhandle’s Hampshire County.
Clean Up & Out Day
We cleaned up and cleaned out Saturday morning! Armed with trash bags and boxes - donuts and coffee - we took on the Women's and Men's Robing Rooms and the Crafts Supply Room. In addition, the Museum was cleared for painting.
One of the many blessings St John’s has to offer
Walking from the car last Sunday, I passed our garden. My eyes caught a beautiful scene.
Warming Station Update
This article summarizes the discussion Chelsea Steelhammer (Charleston City Councilperson & St. John’s member) led on July 16, introducing the City’s Warming Station initiative to St. John’s. The meeting was well attended, and the initiative was received enthusiastically.
Friendships and memories are made at St. John’s
Thanks to Robin O'Brien for sharing these photos of some of our members at church and out in the community!
Warming Stations
Chelsea Steelhammer, will speak to us at noon on Sunday, July 16, immediately after coffee hour to tell us about how we at St. John’s can help with this effort from the city.
Paint, Parking and Upgrades
You may have noticed that things are looking brighter, fresher in our halls at St. John’s. It’s not your imagination - we’re getting a facelift!
Meddling by the Interim: Missionary
So what do you think of when you think of a “missionary?” Do you consider the individuals who left homes and family and headed into places that were dangerous both here in America and abroad?
Reading Camp Update
Our St John’s reading camp returns July 17 and we are excited to have 20 campers signed up.
Discernment Committee Update
I am delighted to share that the St. John’s Discernment Committee is officially underway! The Discernment Committee is made up of individuals who were nominated across our St. John’s community and were appointed through a vote of the Vestry.