A Holy Table
Annette Doumany with the holy table created by her father, Alex Doumany.
If you’ve been to St. John’s during August, or live streamed the service, you know things have been a bit different during the Holy Eucharist. Chris+ has re-introduced the use of our free-standing holy table, which brings the Holy Eucharist in the midst of the people in the pews.
This holy table was created of cherry wood 45 years ago by Alex Doumany, Annette Doumany’s father. It was commissioned by the Zegeer family as a memorial to their mother, Amelia Zegeer, and dedicated March 12, 1978, for the purpose of receiving offerings and consecrating the bread and the wine at the Holy Eucharist.
During the late 70s the Chancel, that is, the area from the communion rail to the steps leading to the altar, was very different in appearance than today. The altar was flat up against the east wall and the choir stalls had been removed. The choir sat on chairs in a semi-circle around the altar. The holy table was permanently placed roughly where our music director, Chris Brown, stands today to lead the choir, and it was from this location the then rector, The Rev. Jim Lewis, prepared and administered the Holy Eucharist.
An Interchange article from March 17, 1978 by The Rev. Jim Lewis, says, “The gift of this table is a remembrance of our common relationship with each other through Christ. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist is the outward and visible sign of that truth [and] we can anticipate future feasts around this table with the expectation of God’s Spirit delivered through bread and wine, word and water, and mysteriously through each other gathered together.” And we’re blessed to have this holy table used for this purpose once again.
We asked Annette how she feels about the table’s return, “It makes me feel wonderful, that it’s finally being used again as it was meant to be! I’m thankful that Chris+ has put it to good use.”
And Chris+, well, he’s always happy to shake things up a bit around St. John’s, “This table has been at the back of the nave for several years and it’s time to return it, even briefly, to the center of the service. We celebrate its beauty, give thanks, and acknowledge the gift from the Zegeer and Doumany families, and are blessed to celebrate the Holy Eucharist in the midst of the people. “
Thanks be to God!
Chris+ celebrating the Holy Eucharist.
Acolytes Landon Palmer and Wyatt Palmer moving the holy table into place.