Concerts@St. John’s PANdemonium4

Concerts@St. Johns’s kicks off it’s 2023-2024 season with the return of the PANdemonium4 Flute Quartet September 17, 2023 at 4:00p.m.

The members of this quartet, Kimberlee Goodman, Lindsey Goodman, Lisa Jelle, and Alison Brown Sincoff, are Ohio-based teacher-performer professionals representing a diverse group of universities across the state. They share a mutual passion for promoting all things flute in central Ohio and impacting the global future of chamber music collaborations within the setting of the quartet. The ensemble formed in 2016 and has thus far performed at four National Flute Association Annual Conventions and in seven different states.

photo credit is Erika Flugge Photography


Message from Mary: Glancing Back


Taizé Service Sunday September 10, 5:00 p.m.