The Interchange
The Interchange features articles of interest submitted by parishioners along with messages from the priest and senior warden. It also includes critical information about what is happening in the parish, diocese and The Episcopal Church (TEC) generally. To submit content to be featured in The Interchange visit the Parish Communications page.
A Week as a Seminarian
As I write, I’m wrapping up my week as a seminarian at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) in Alexandria, VA. I’ve had the good fortune to experience seminary life; staying in a dorm room (with a surprisingly comfortable bed), sharing meals with classmates in the refectory, walking across campus to Addison where class was led by Dr. Lisa Kimball and experiencing the Daily Office and Holy Eucharist in the chapel.
Seek. Love. Serve: Grow in Christ: Adult Formation at St. John’s
Adult Formation. Bible Studies? Social justice? Prayer? Deepening faith in community? We’re taking a look, and considering these and other forms of formation, and how we are organized to support that which we offer under the umbrella of Adult Formation here at St. John’s. Please join me following the Holy Eucharist Sunday, February 23 in room 209 for a forming meeting where we’ll have a general conversation and begin the deeper work of forming community. If you’re interested but can’t make the February 23 meeting, let me know we’ll add you to our email list.
Concerts @ St. John’s - Romantasies, a Valentine treat - Sunday February 16
Concerts @ St. John's will present Romantasies, a Valentine treat, on Sunday February 16 at 4:00 p.m. Violist Sandra Groce and Pianist Pegeen Eslami will sing from the heart with Romances by Beethoven, Schumann, Vaughn-Williams and others. Violist Virginia Groce assists. The artists are offering this as a benefit to sustain the series. Admission is free with contributions appreciated. St. John's Episcopal Church, 1105 Quarrier St. at Leon Sullivan, Charleston,
St. John’s memories: Carpet and cushions, oh my!
David Morton remembers when wealthy parishioners’ limousines lined Quarrier Street on Sunday mornings, and their chauffeurs were allowed to gather in the church kitchen for coffee. He also recalls that those knobs on the ends of the choir pews had fleurs de lys atop them, but a priest whose vestments got caught on them demanded that the ornaments be removed. I didn’t arrive here until ’73, so I don’t have those recollections, but here are some things now long gone that I do remember.
Flower Guild Update - Feb 2025
February 2025 marks the 11th month that our little Flower Guild has been in existence at St. John's! We have settled into our designated space, and we have settled into a routine of working in tandem with the Altar Guild. If you like or love flowers and would like to join us, we would love to have you join our team!
December 2024 Acknowledgments
At Worship Committee and Vestry meetings we take a few minutes to think about and acknowledge people and things we’ve noticed and wish to commend. Here’s this month’s!
From the Archives of Saint John’s - What is an Archivist?
As your church archivist, I look forward to serving the Saints of John in the coming year keeping you informed of events pertaining to the preservation of our collection for future generations and sharing our store of “treasures.
St. John’s Memories: Half-Act Players
For the most part, we weren’t professional theatre folks; we were amateurs, hence the play on words in our name. The same was true of Deep Man’OR, the medieval castle that Hunter Hall was transformed into to serve as the scene of the ridiculous plays we performed.
St. John’s is Blooming
We may be on the threshold of Advent with colder temperatures for the next several months but the energy of new and renewed ministries at St. John’s reminds me more of spring!
November Acknowledgements
At Worship Committee and Vestry meetings we take a few minutes to think about and acknowledge people and things we’ve noticed and wish to commend. Here’s this month’s!
Padre’s Ponderings - December 2024
Dear beloved of St. John’s, the night falls upon us much earlier these waning November days and early December days. As I write, we’re preparing to host a large family Thanksgiving at our new home in Charleston. My mind is on Advent, our Bishop’s visitation, and celebrating our first Christmas together as new rector and parish.
St. John’s Memories: Contorted Filberts
The Contorted Filbert Society thrived throughout the 1990s and 2000s. I don’t recall exact dates, but we spent the New Year’s Eve weekend of Y2K at Sandscrest, and we were meeting well before and after that time.
Concerts @ St. John’s Presents: DiGregorio/Alves Duo
Join us on Sunday, November 17 at 4:00 p.m. for a special performance by the DiGregorio/Alves Duo, featuring two distinguished musicians from our region.
Community Event: WV Restorative Justice Week
The week of November 17 is Restorative Justice Week. West Virginia is celebrating by bringing together folks from all over the state in local community-building circles.
The bishop is coming! The bishop is coming!
Bishop Cowden will be visiting St. John’s for his annual visitation on Sunday, December 15, the third Sunday of Advent.
World AIDS Day Service - December 1st at 6:00 PM (Submitted by Bob Rosier)
St. John’s will host a World AIDS Day observance on Sunday, Dec. 1, at 6 p.m. Historically held at Asbury United Methodist Church, this important service has found a new home with us since Asbury's closing.
Parking Lot Blessing - Sunday, November 10th
On Sunday, November 10th worship will begin in the parking lot with a blessing of the lot, and a procession into the Church for the rest of the liturgy (think Palm Sunday, but with pavement instead of palms!).
A Senior Moment by Diane Hendricks (Senior Warden) : Edmund Caskie Harrison Fund
Have you been impacted by medical or dental expenses and wondered how you would ever have a life again? Or go to a movie again? Or maybe even go to the grocery store when you needed to? Many folks go without much-needed hearing aids or bifocals because their insurance policy just doesn’t cover them.
November Acknowledgements
At Worship Committee and Vestry meetings we take a few minutes to think about and acknowledge people and things we’ve noticed and wish to commend.