Meddling by the Interim: Missionary

We are all missionaries. By our own cultural heritage, by our own geographic setting, by our training, education, life experience, and unique access to certain people, we are to bear the beams of God’s light, and life, and love, knowing that God is with us and that God will provide.

- Br. Jim Woodrum, SSJE.

So what do you think of when you think of a “missionary?” Do you consider the individuals who left homes and family and headed into places that were dangerous both here in America and abroad? Do you know of Bishop Oscar Romero, Dietrich Bonhoffer, and Constance, Nun, and Her Companions? Maybe so, and maybe not. They were all missionaries.

A missionary is not just someone who goes “out” of his or her own environment or surroundings. Every time you walk out of your home you are a disciple/missionary of Jesus! Every step we take, every word we utter, every hand up and every smile we share, we are God’s light to someone who might be in darkness.

Do not worry, God provides. Now, Go Into The World And Preach The Gospel!

Blessings and Peace, Chris+


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