Message from Mary: Glancing Back

As we make preparations to kick off the fall activities, I feel called to glance back over the past year and share some thoughts of gratitude and peace with you.

For me, our first steps last September felt a bit like stepping into a void. That is, until our ministry team leaders and parishioners stepped up and into larger roles. Then it all changed and positive energy began to flow.

And it continues.

And now, the gratitude piece. First person that comes to mind is Beth Marquart, who was our lay minister through the middle of February, when our Interim Priest, Chris, came on board. One of Beth’s many roles was to reach out and schedule supply priests during the intervening five months. Thank you, Beth!

Late in the calendar year, the choir initiated a search for a new choirmaster. David DeBolt, Danny Faber, and Olive Meyer played key roles in successfully navigating those processes. And, this spring, Chris Brown joined our choir ministry and we’re already seeing new faces on Sunday mornings. Thank you, choir members!

Fr. Chris Thompson, our Interim Priest, came to us in mid-February, initiating property projects almost immediately. Thank you, Chris!

So, throughout the past year, and for eons prior, our steadfast Altar Guild, Greeter, Live Streaming, and Usher ministry teams have been there for us week in and week out. We have so much – and so many – for which to be thankful! Thank you, all!

And now, the throwback . . . yes, you knew this was coming. . . I’m reminded of Kenny Loggins’ introduction to his Live at the Redwoods song, Leap of Faith. ‘This is a song about taking flying lessons and what you learn, no matter when you jump, is that you’ll either land on your feetor learn how to fly.’ This year has been about flying lessons, and St. John’s is going strong! My thanks to each of you, and thanks be to God!


Meandering with the Interim: Laughter and Evil


Concerts@St. John’s PANdemonium4