The Interchange
The Interchange features articles of interest submitted by parishioners along with messages from the priest and senior warden. It also includes critical information about what is happening in the parish, diocese and The Episcopal Church (TEC) generally. To submit content to be featured in The Interchange visit the Parish Communications page.
Outreach: Holly Jolly Brawley Christmas Tree
Holly Jolly Brawley is one of the most popular Christmas events in Charleston, kicking off the holiday season. For the first time, St. John’s is going to have a tree!
St. Ambrose Choir Update
We’re sure you’ve noticed the choir stalls filling up and there’s room for several more! If you’d like to become a member of our choir please check in with Chris Brown, our Choirmaster.
Pastoral Care Ministry
It is my pleasure to tell you about the work of our Pastoral Care Ministry Team, a team of Saints who respond to the needs of our congregation through a ministry of prayer, greeting cards, meal delivery and Lay Eucharistic Visitation (LEVs).
Discernment: What Comes Next?
On behalf of the Discernment Committee, I am pleased to share that the Vestry has voted to approve our Parish Profile, which means that the search for our next rector is officially underway.
Seek Love Serve: Angels on Earth
Our September 24 th Adult Forum hit very close to home for my family and me. The speaker was Joan Carroll, Education Coordinator for Kanawha Valley HospiceCare. She was also the home nurse for mom when her health declined and has a connection with other parishioners.
Message from Mary: Our Seasons Pause
Fall is finally here. Schools are in session. The air is chilled. We've begun bringing in our patio furniture and changing our thermostat settings. The signs are upon us.
Picnic, Tacos, Brunch & More: An Update from Congregational Life
We are excited to share some updates from the Congregational Life Ministry, a result of the recent merger of the Evangelism and Parish Life committees.
St. John’s Gets Classy!
You may have noticed some new additions to the traditional artwork that has graced our walls for many years.
Episcopal 101: The Bishop is coming, the Bishop is coming!
The Rt. Rev. Matthew D. Cowden will be here for his visitation on Sunday, December 17th and will perform Baptisms, Confirmations, and Reaffirmations, as well as speak at the Adult Forum, join us at coffee hour and meet with the vestry. (Just a normal Sunday for our Bishop!)
Meandering with the Interim: Abundance
There is good work that needs doing, and we think God may be calling you!
Seeking, Loving, Praying Abundantly
We asked some Saints of John for their thoughts on seeking, loving and praying.
Outreach Update: Braveheart Fellowship
The Outreach Ministry Team was introduced to Braveheart Fellowship, a ministry of Kanawha Presby, under the leadership of Susan Marrash Minnerly and Martha Endres (seated).
Coming Out Month Celebration
You are invited in Celebration of Coming Out Month Sunday, October 8.
The Blessing of the Animals
The Blessing of the Animals: Wednesday, October 4, 5:30 p.m. in the Garden
Seek. Love. Pray.: National Acolyte Festival
Our Acolyte Team is traveling to the Washington National Cathedral for the premier acolyte gathering in the country, the National Acolyte Festival. Our participation commemorates the resurgence of our acolyte program – now six members strong – nearly one year since recruitment reopened following the pandemic.
Godly Play: Volunteers Needed
The Godly Play Team is looking for volunteers to help with children’s
The Bishop is Coming: Inquirer’s and Confirmation Class
Interested in being confirmed? Contact the church office!
Kickoff Sunday! Ministry Fair & Picnic
Congregational Life is hosting a indoor church picnic and ministry fair Sunday, Sept 10th after church to kick off the Church’s fall activities!
Meandering with the Interim: Laughter and Evil
What is your relationship between faith and comedy?