Discernment: What Comes Next?

On behalf of the Discernment Committee, I am pleased to share that the Vestry has voted to approve our Parish Profile, which means that the search for our next rector is officially underway. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers for this committee, for your input to the Parish Profile, and for your continued support of our efforts. In the coming weeks, you will see on our website and social media that the position has been posted. While this is happening, the Diocese will be hard at work posting the position through the necessary channels within The Episcopal Church. It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to begin the interview process towards the end of 2023 and into early 2024.
As a reminder, the work that we now undertake remains strictly confidential until such time that we are able to present candidates for Vestry approval. We do not know who God will call to fill this need for St. John’s, but we do know that God is carrying us through this journey to meet that person. We ask that you continue to keep this committee and Rev. Chad, our Transition Minister, in your prayers, and that God shows us all a clear path to meet the person who will lead our next chapter as a congregation.


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