Episcopal 101: The Bishop is coming, the Bishop is coming!

 The Rt. Rev. Matthew D. Cowden will be here for his visitation on Sunday, December 17th and will perform Baptisms, Confirmations, and Reaffirmations, as well as speak at the Adult Forum, join us at coffee hour and meet with the vestry. (Just a normal Sunday for our Bishop!)

In advance of the Bishop’s visit, Chris+ is offering a course, Episcopal 101, for those Saints of John seeking Baptism, Confirmation or Reaffirmation. This course will cover topics like what it means to be Episcopalian; what we believe; how the church is organized; what it means to be baptized and confirmed (or reaffirmed) into the church, and what that three-legged stool we talk about.

Chris+ has set up a schedule, Sundays November 5-26 from 12:30-1:30 p.m., with the possibility of an additional gathering on Sunday, December 3. Chris+ reports the first question he’ll ask is, what is the “official” name of the Episcopal Church? (By the way, he asked the vestry and we had all the components, but not strung together in the right order…..go Google it!)

Please let Chris+ know if you’ll be participating through the church office.


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