Pastoral Care Ministry

It is my pleasure to tell you about the work of our Pastoral Care Ministry Team, a team of Saints who respond to the needs of our congregation through a ministry of prayer, greeting cards, meal delivery and Lay Eucharistic Visitation (LEVs). We pray for those who have requested our prayers; we notify friends who are on our mind by sending them cards to express our love; we feed those who are going through hard times by delivering prepared meals that can be reheated; we carry the Holy Eucharist to shut-ins and those who are ill. At our core, we are a team of members from our congregation demonstrating tangible ways that Saint John’s cares for those who need it most. There are many other ways this team can serve the church. If you feel called to serve in any capacity to demonstrate how Saint John’s cares for its membership or if you are aware of an unmet need that you would like to bring to our attention, please email I look forward to serving our church and addressing the needs of our members.


St. Ambrose Choir Update


Discernment: What Comes Next?