Seek. Love. Pray.: National Acolyte Festival

On October 7th 2023, our Acolyte Team is traveling to the Washington National Cathedral for the premier acolyte gathering in the country, the National Acolyte Festival. While this news is exciting, the event carries meaning beyond a pilgrimage to Washington D.C. for our team. Our participation commemorates the resurgence of our acolyte program – now six members strong – nearly one year since recruitment reopened following the pandemic.

The National Acolyte Festival is a time-honored tradition in the Episcopal Church that begins with the Grandest of Processions – regarded as the longest and most vibrant procession imaginable – with acolytes representing hundreds of churches from all over the Episcopal Church processing with their church banners, accompanied by servers, clergy, and vergers for a Festival Holy Eucharist.

Want to join us? This event is open to friends and families of acolytes at no cost, and I encourage all parishioners to consider attending to show support for our acolyte team. While the Grandest of Processions may prove worth the trip alone, the afternoon includes opportunities to explore the cathedral and attend a variety of workshops.

If you’ve been thinking about becoming an acolyte, there’s still time to join our ranks and attend the festival as a member of our team. If you’re unable to attend the festival, you’re still welcome to join the team, we’re always recruiting ages 9-99+! Please reach out to Kris Morris, Richard Miller or me for an open and honest consultation - and start making plans for next year’s festival!


The Blessing of the Animals


Godly Play: Volunteers Needed