Seeking, Loving, Praying Abundantly

We asked some Saints of John for their thoughts on seeking, loving and praying:

Seek guidance, comfort, compassion, forgiveness and faith. Love yourself first so you can love others. Pray for serenity and peace, everything else will come from that.

They say many who wander are seldom lost; they seek and yearn for a home with acceptance and compassion to love and pray.

To me, it means to seek God everywhere, in the people I meet, in the air I breathe, in the stars and flowers. Love reminds me to Love everyone, everyone unconditionally, non-judgmentally all the time. And Pray prods me to, well, pray. All. The. Time. to meet and maintain the first two.

And we wonder: As you think, and pray, about our abundant community, our gifts, our ministries in the parish and the world, how do your thoughts and actions reflect seeking, loving and praying?


Meandering with the Interim: Abundance


Outreach Update: Braveheart Fellowship