The Interchange
The Interchange features articles of interest submitted by parishioners along with messages from the priest and senior warden. It also includes critical information about what is happening in the parish, diocese and The Episcopal Church (TEC) generally. To submit content to be featured in The Interchange visit the Parish Communications page.
Holy Week & Easter at St. John’s
Holy Week at St. John’s was a spiritually uplifting experience. The week featured several services leading up to the Easter Sunday celebration.
Pastoral Care Shares Easter Spirit
The ladies of Pastoral Care spent Holy Saturday bringing Easter goody bags to parishioners who were unable to attend church in person.
Lenten Practices: Part II
In last month's Interchange we reported what some Saints of John told us about their intentions during Lent. We followed up with a few of them and found discovery and fresh understanding.
Acolyte Program
For those who have attended services at St. John’s throughout Lent, you likely have already noticed that the acolyte program has bolstered its ranks with some familiar faces.
Farewell My Friend: The Rev. Kent Higgins
My sisters and brothers, life is short, and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those with whom we travel. So be swift to love; make haste to be kind; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and those you love, this day and always. Amen.
Message from Mary: History Reminds Us
Every Sunday as I walk through the chapel doors to head to coffee hour, I see the helmet and breastplate and I am reminded again of Paul’s message to the Ephesians.
St. John’s Book Group
We meet Wednesdays at 11 a.m. via Zoom. This read-aloud book group will soon begin reading Jon Meacham’s most recent biography, And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle.
Faith In Action
Faith in Action of the Greater Kanawha Valley is a volunteer organization providing free services to older adults in Kanawha and Putnam County.
Concerts @ St. John’s
Concerts @ St. John’s will present pianist Eric Ruple in recital on Sunday April 23 at 4:00 p.m.
Outreach Supports Samaritan Inn
The Samaritan Inn was established in 1989 and their work is based upon the philosophy that people can change.
By the time you’re reading this...there’s a good chance we’ll have launched the new!
Over the last few months the communications committee has noted that St. John's is once again becoming a very busy parish with lots to share!
It’s All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement
Across the church and around the world, we are hungry for revival and renewal. Join us for "It's All About Love," a churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action.
By the time you’re reading this...we'll have started incorporating updated communication guidelines!
You may have noticed something different about this edition of The Interchange but haven’t quite been able to put your finger on it.
Manna Meal Food Truck Ribbon Cutting
Manna Meal is on the move with a new mobile kitchen, allowing them to prepare and deliver nutritious meals to those in need across Charleston.
Columbarium Extension
Years ago (feels like another life) I was a bank trust officer in South Africa handling deceased estates and was struck by a phrase that appeared on an undertaker’s bill – “fee for scattering of cremains”! Never had I heard that term before, although instinctively knew what it meant. But really – “cremains”?
Meddling by the Interim
“When I say ‘sorry,’ I am in charge. When I ask for forgiveness, however, I am no longer in charge. I am in the hands of others, only you can forgive me; only God can forgive me.” Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Ireland on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, when he asked sexual abuse victims for forgiveness.
Lenten Practices
As our interim rector, Chris Thompson, mentioned in his Ash Wednesday homily, Lent is a penitent season and one way we acknowledge this in our lives is by stopping, or adding, certain practices.
Message from Mary: Lent
Lent is here. As in previous years, I am hurriedly spinning through ideas for my personal Lenten sacrifice. For me, it all started when I came to St. John’s just before Lent 2004.