
Jesus abandoned himself to the divine providence. God – the God whom Jesus called “Father” – would make of Jesus’ life what God chose, as God chose, when God chose. We are simply called to be available.
Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE

This article is like a two-edged sword. I am writing it more than two weeks before Easter, but it has to be about Easter. With that in mind I put these few words before you, the reader.

I pray that your Lent has been good and not chaotic. You still have time and if the next couple of weeks don’t look good, you have Holy Week. Holy Week is a “mini” Lent, and you have five days to re-center. As Brother Curtis says: “We are simply called to be available.”

Why not abandon what is creating chaos for a week. Why not take give yourself “the divine providence of God?”

Why not embrace these words said at Baptism; “You are sealed with the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s own forever"?

So, ask yourself, am I available?


Pastoral Care Shares Easter Spirit


Lenten Practices: Part II