Formation: Small Group Ministry aka Covenant Groups

Small Group Ministry, also known as Covenant Groups, Chalice Circles and other names, offer a place for members to experience mutual growth in Christ through conversation, connection, belonging and working and learning together in intentional ways. Made up of 6-12 people, groups meet at least monthly over dinner or coffee, in homes, at church or in public places. Some groups would meet during the day, others on the weekend or in the evening, as the group chooses.

Groups are designed to include parents and caregivers of children, with children being included in the gathering, if the members so desire. Other groups are formed with couples, single people and a mix of both. Each group would have a convener/facilitator among its members, with a formal curriculum or study questions provided for each group’s use. A formal covenant, a holy promise among the people engaged, will be offered in the hope that groups will covenant to meet and be together in intentional ways.

We'd like to start at least a couple groups this spring. If you're interested in learning more or signing on to help build the Body of Christ at St. John’s and carrying it into the world through the lives we live, please let Beth Marquart or Eric+ know.


Outreach Update - March 2025


Preparing for Reading Camp 2025