Pastoral Care - A Holistic Approach

With Eric’s guidance and your support we hope to see “pastoral care” as an umbrella for many services that will be valuable as we build community and take care of each other. In the past we have thought of pastoral care as tending to homebound or bereaved parishioners. Such services included delivering meals, providing transportation to medical

appointments, visiting and sending cards. Pastoral care members were typically charged, also, with funeral receptions. Family members or parishioners would call the church office to notify clergy and the current pastoral care chair who would then seek assistance from one or more team members.

These services continue to be valuable and necessary. The following services will, hopefully, be included in a new, expanded pastoral care team model:

Eucharistic Visiting, temporary meal prep, transportation to medical appointments, funeral receptions, delivery of altar flowers, phone calls to homebound, cards to homebound and bereaved, newcomer ministry to include welcome packets for visitors, lunches or dinners for newcomers twice a year.

Does it sound like a lot?! What are your pastoral care gifts and how can you contribute?

We’re seeking lots of hearts and hands in this new adventure. Please contact the church office to join us!


Concerts @ St. John’s Fall 2024 Schedule


Seek Love Serve: The St. Ambrose Choir