Seek. Love. Serve. : SAGA, the Straight and Gay Alliance

SAGA is an inclusive group founded by professional counselors and St. John's members in 2000, with a mission to advocate for the dignity of human sexuality in all its orientations, genders, and life-enriching relationships in the spirit of God's love. All are welcome to be a part of this organization.

In conjunction with our Outreach and Evangelism ministries, SAGA is gearing up for the Pride Parade and Festival on Saturday, June 3. Traditionally, SAGA has a booth at the Pride Festival, which takes place at Slack Plaza following the parade, making available our locally produced t-shirts, children’s books and information about both SAGA and St. John’s.

We need your help getting organized for the Pride Festival! We need people to help set up the booth, people to sign up to man it throughout the day AND people to help take the booth down at the end of the day! We also need plenty of people to march in the parade under the St. John’s and SAGA banners. (We’d love 100 of you to show up….but will settle for 50!)

Please join SAGA, Outreach and Evangelism for a joint planning meeting Sunday, May 21 at noon, where we’ll iron out the details for our participation. We’ll order pizza for lunch and ask for donations to help defray the cost. Questions may be referred to Mike Klausing or Linda Workman, through the church office.

For general information about the 2023 Pride Parade + Festival, please visit Rainbow Pride of West Virginia’s website.


Seeking Volunteers for Discernment and Transition Committees

