Seeking Volunteers for Discernment and Transition Committees

Dear Saints of St. John's,

Exciting times lie ahead as we embark on the search for the next rector of St. John's. To ensure a smooth transition, two committees are being formed: the Discernment Committee and the Transition Committee. We invite you to prayerfully consider serving on these committees and playing a vital role in shaping the future of our parish.

The Discernment Committee will guide the search process, working closely with the Rev. Canon Chad Slater. Its responsibilities include developing a project timeline, creating a Parish Profile, conducting surveys and interviews, and ultimately selecting the candidate to present to the Vestry. Confidentiality is paramount for this committee.

The Transition Committee will extend a warm welcome to the new Rector and their family, assisting them in acclimating to the Charleston area. Tasks involve coordinating housing arrangements, providing meals, introducing them to local schools and medical services, and organizing parish social gatherings.

If you feel called to serve and have the time and dedication to commit, we encourage you to complete the nomination form before the deadline for submissions, this Wednesday, May 17, at 5 p.m. The form was emailed to all members earlier this month, but if you need an additional copy feel free to call, email, or visit the Church Office and we'll be happy to provide another copy.

Your participation in these committees is an opportunity to contribute your unique gifts, goals, and experiences to our discernment process and ensure a smooth transition for our next Rector. Together, we can build upon the strong foundation of St. John's and embrace the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the future of St. John's Episcopal Church. May our collective efforts bring blessings to our community and the next chapter of our shared journey.

In faith and service,
Mary Fitzgerald
Senior Warden


Meet Chris Brown: Director of Music


Seek. Love. Serve. : SAGA, the Straight and Gay Alliance