
We are rescued and provided for by the shepherd. We will need that help almost continually. But there is more: the shepherd loves us. Sooner or later we will be convinced.

Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE

I have often been called a “shepherd.” It is an interesting metaphor since I have never stood in a pasture and managed a flock of sheep. As I have walked this journey of priesthood I have often felt much more like a “cat wrangler.”

You see, the real shepherd is the Good Shepherd, Jesus. As Brother Curtis reminds us, “We are rescued and provided for by the shepherd.” While our Baptism or Confirmation can be looked at as a “once for all” event it really is not.

We need to recognize we need Jesus continually, daily! He loves us!

Not convinced, open your eyes, ears and heart. Invite Jesus to shepherd you on your journey.



Seek. Love. Serve. : SAGA, the Straight and Gay Alliance


Seek. Love. Serve. : Property, Anyone?