Adult Forum Fall 2024 Schedule

Adult Forum is held in Room 109 at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday before Church from September to May, Speakers and Topics are subject to change. Watch TWSJ for more information in the weeks leading up to each forum.

  • 09-01-24—Intro to Lectio Divina & Practice with Eric+

  • 09-08-24—Get to Know Eric+

  • 09-15-24—Addressing the Syndemic of Substance Use Disorder/HIV/Hepatitis C in Charleston with St. John’s parishioner & Director of the CAMC Ryan White Program, Christine Teague, PharmD, MPH, AAHIVP,

  • 09-22-24—Conversation on what parishioners would like for future forum topics

  • 09-29-24—Understanding St. Francis, with Beth Marquart

  • 10-06-24—A Godly Play Experience with Maggie McCabe

  • 10-13-24—A conversation with Ripley Varela of the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

  • 10-20-24—A Faith Informed Approach to Democracy with Eric+

  • 10-27-24— Speaker TBD


Wednesday Book Group Update


Concerts @ St. John’s Fall 2024 Schedule