The Search for our next Rector is Underway: Discernment and Transition Committees Named

Thanks be to God for the Saints of John who nominated themselves for the Discernment and Transition Committees, willing to do the cooperative, timebound, compelling and prayerful work of calling our next rector. Named to the Discernment Committee are Jo Blackwood, Mary Fitzgerald, Page Hamrick, Christy Morris, Bren Pomponio, and Erin Susman. Named to the Transition Committee are Dave DeBolt, Ann Garcelon, Brian Hamra, Christa Hamra, Donna Hamra, Maggie McCabe, Karon Myer, and Kris Morris.

The Discernment Committee, whose work requires absolute confidentiality, is responsible for developing a timeline, creating the Parish Profile, conducting congregational surveys and interviews, and selecting the candidate(s) to present to the Vestry. Their work begins June 14 under the guidance of the Rev. Canon Chad Slater. The Transition Committee, whose work is that of hospitality and welcome, convenes once the Discernment Committee is prepared to present a slate of candidates to the vestry, probably late October – November. Both committees are convened by the Rev. Canon Chad Slater.

Please add these Saints of John, as well as the Rev. Canon Chad Slater, to your personal prayers as they do this good work on behalf of our parish.




Reading Camp Update