Seek-Love-Serve: Evangelism

On June 13, I was able to see out of my left eye, thanks be to God and the surgeon! What, you say? I have not seen out of my left eye since at least January and maybe longer. In February I had the vitrectomy which included a face down recovery for three weeks and a gas bubble in my eye for nine weeks and four days! It has been a long winter and spring full of appreciation and evangelism.

Until April 30, when the bubble left, I could not read, drive, color, or be online. Many of my St. John’s family came to my home to bring food and visit. Each of you were full of evangelism and cared for me. Yes, you did, and I appreciate you. In June, the huge cataract was removed from the left eye!

I have been reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s book “Be Free Where You Are”. This small book has 15 reflections, with titles “You are a Miracle” and “The Art of Handlin a Storm” to name a few. These two reflections reminded me of who I am, how much each of you mean to me and our community, and what I have been through this year. This book serves as an excellent reflection, and I highly recommend it to you.

I am very thankful for all the love and care from all of you. Each of you is a member of my family and have helped me for several months.

The Evangelism and Parish Life Committees met recently and developed plans for the fall!

·       First, on September 10, after church there will be an indoor parish picnic to celebrate Kick Off Sunday and the renovations to the second floor and classrooms. There will be tours of the classrooms, museum, and archives.  The parish will provide hot dogs, fixings, watermelon, and lemonade. Signup sheets will be available as we get closer to this event. This event is open to anyone who is interested in joining St. Johns and each of you!

·       Bishop Cowden will be visiting us in December, so if you're interested in being confirmed, watch for Confirmation classes later this fall!

·       Next, Game Night is back!!! In October, Evangelism and Parish Life will host a Taco Thursday, beginning at 5:30! We have scheduled to have the Taco Ball early enough for those in the choir to join us and perhaps be able to join in some games. Games may include St. Johns trivia for all ages!

·       To share in our Thankfulness for new members, you, and St. John’s, there will be a New Member Brunch for the parish, hosted by Evangelism and Parish Life. This brunch will be after church on a Sunday in November and will also feature tours of the Church. This is a wonderful time for Thankfulness of our new members and celebrate our community.

I look forward to SEEING each of you more often! Join our committees in each of these events this fall. As we get closer to each event, watch for the updates in This Week St. Johns and other communications.

Peace and thanks to each of you,

Maggie McCabe


Discernment Committee Update


Lay Eucharistic Visitors