Message from Mary: Calendars, Alternatives...

As our respective calendars flip to November, we are reminded of the activity dense timeframe before us. Just take a moment and think – All Saints Day, the end of daylight-saving time (November 5), football season (multiple competitive levels), Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. And, lest we forget, Advent begins December 3rd so the calendar may pick up even more events arriving at a daunting pace. At various times we will be preparing holiday dinners and having friends over for football games – in addition to attending to our, or our children’s, school calendars. Perhaps it is time to admit it. The calendar can hold us captive.

But wait! Alternatives! What are our alternatives? Interestingly, I’m not aware of any that are effective or even reasonable. My personal experience in developing alternatives has proven, without any doubt, my own propensity for disappointing those around me. I have even attempted to allocate my time to various endeavors only to find that I’d actually ‘chosen’ to miss the best event of the season!

So, no, I have no viable alternatives to recommend. But I will keep our St. John’s community (parishioners and friends) in my thoughts and prayers as we navigate our respective calendars. Please take good care and stay safe out there!


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Meandering with the Interim: All In