“Do you believe the arts can change the lives of young people?"

If you answered “yes”, join a group of the Saints of John and attend the performance of “Little Mermaid” at the Clay Center on March 19 at 7:00pm.  Presented collaboratively, Appalachian Children's Chorus, River City Youth Ballet, WV Youth Symphony and Children’s Theatre bring Hans Christian Andersen’s timeless story to life.

Two of our parishioners are heavily involved in this production - choir director Chris Brown, who directs the Appalachian Children’s Chorus, and Margaret Lieberman, an instructor at River City Youth Ballet. They would be encouraged by parish support. A group from St. John's will be going.  In order to arrange seats together, let Melinda DiCarlo know by March 9 if you wish to go.


SAGA needs your help!


Concerts @ St. John’s: March 17th