From The Rev. Eric L. Miller

Editor’s Note: The Rev. Eric L. Miller will join St. John’s as our new Rector Sunday August 4th. Supply priests have been lined up until then. Ahead of his arrival, Eric+ sends the following message to the Saints of John.

Dear Saints of John, 

I can’t wait to begin ministry with all of you in August!  Some might be wondering, then, why I am not starting sooner.  Well, I had an incredible fourteen years of ministry with Ascension & Holy Trinity in Cincinnati, OH.  I lovingly led and guided A&HT through the pandemic and remained with them after the pandemic.  Over time we built trust with one another.  We learned who we are, as well as how we work together as followers of the Risen Christ.  We discerned a new mission statement for who we were at the time, and we prayerfully discerned a new vision statement for who we wanted to become.  I helped inspire a needed capital campaign.  We worked to help the liturgy become more inclusive.  We baptized, confirmed, married, and buried when the time called for it.  We lived into becoming beloved community through diocesan initiatives and our witness to the world.  

I begin afresh with you on August 1 so that I can take a breather.  I love ministry, in particular, serving as rector of inclusive parishes.  I throw myself into the life of the community, while maintaining appropriate boundaries and sabbath rest.  I enjoy leading worship, preaching, offering pastoral care, meeting folks for coffee, and even leading Vestry.  

I assure you I will be present with you as a faith community.  I love Christ, and I will express that love through loving you.  I will show up to faithfully walk with and lead St. John’s into our next area of life together.  I am excited to see what might be born through our ministries together.  

I ask for your grace as I get to know all of you, learning your names and faces and various ministry teams.  I promise I’ll catch up and catch on to who we are today and where we might go.  Thank you for your trust in me to faithfully serve as St. John’s next rector.  We are going to have an incredible ride through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit!

In God’s Grace,

Eric L. Miller+


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