Seek. Love. Serve: Grow in Christ: Adult Formation at St. John’s

Adult Formation. Bible Studies? Social justice? Prayer? Deepening faith in community? We’re taking a look, and considering these and other forms of formation, and how we are organized to support that which we offer under the umbrella of Adult Formation here at St. John’s.

In conversation with Eric+ over the past month or two, I’ve expressed interest in Adult Formation, what we offer, how we offer it; taking a look at what we’ve done traditionally and examining how meeting times or topics might be supplemented or changed. Don’t panic! We’re talking ideas and conversations here, not decisions.

There has been email chatter about Connected Communities, the speakers we’ve invited and musing about the time it convenes. Eric+ is a fan (as am I) of recording these sessions and making them available on our YouTube channel. While a doable and terrific idea and way of expanding our traditional reach, it requires equipment and coordination with our Communications and Videography Teams.

We’ve tossed around some ideas for Zoom-based courses, and supporting more actively Contemplative Prayer, and perhaps Taizé, as a body. We’ve also discussed offering a technology course for those who want to learn to more effectively use their phone or computer. Maybe we coordinate with other ministries, for example, Outreach, to offer an opportunity to not only support BraveHeart, but more deeply understand the lives and challenges adults with developmental disabilities face.

We’d include people who currently are engaged in forming Connected Communities, and Contemplative Prayer. We’d love to have those who want to learn more about formation, and those with ideas.

So, we’re looking to form an Adult Christian Formation team to serve as an umbrella for our current, and developing, adult formation committees, or one-time initiatives. We’d engage in and gain an understanding of what our deep community interests and needs are as we discern who we are and who we seek to become in our Christian Life with Eric+.

Please join me following the Holy Eucharist Sunday, February 23 in room 209 for a forming meeting where we’ll have a general conversation and begin the deeper work of forming community. If you’re interested but can’t make the February 23 meeting, let me know we’ll add you to our email list. If you plan to be there, please let me know that, too. Please call, text or email questions or concerns. Thanks,


A Week as a Seminarian


Concerts @ St. John’s - Romantasies, a Valentine treat - Sunday February 16