A Message from Chris+

Dear Parishioners & Community,

Yesterday was a difficult day around the campuses of St. John’s and Sacred Heart. Two incidents happened with Manna Meal clients. Our Bishop, the President of the Manna Meal Board, the Pastor and Principal at Sacred Heart and the Mayor have all been involved.

The Manna Meal Board took the lead and decided at a board meeting last night (November 8, 2023) to suspend services at St. John's. They will continue to use the kitchen but feed from the food truck in various locations throughout the city.

We at St. John’s will continue to support, work with, and assist Manna Meal. Pray for the hungry, homeless and the vulnerable.

The Rev. Chris Thompson

Interim Rector

St. John's Episcopal Church

Charleston, WV

Editors Note: See below for Manna Meal's Mobile Food Truck schedule. Breakfast and Lunch continue to be offered via the Mobile Food Trick everyday at the listed locations. - St. John’s Communications Team


Annual Meeting Announcement


“Grow Church” is Underway!