Tending to Our Interfaith Commitments

Rabbi Joe Blair: Rabbi & Spiritual Leader of Temple Israel and guest speaker for our recent Adult Forum.

Adult Forum participants were delighted to hear from the rabbi and spiritual leader of Temple Israel, Rabbi Joe Blair, on April 16th. He was invited to discuss antisemitic propaganda that has been – disturbingly - showing up around Charleston, our state, and the nation. To prepare for the Rabbi’s visit, forum attendees watched a 39-minute documentary from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, “Americans and the Holocaust.” We wanted to become better educated in advance, so we could have a more meaningful, fuller discussion with our guest.

It was indeed a rich dialogue, and it raised for us Episcopalians our interest in resuming some of our interfaith events and work. Please be in touch with Margaret Chapman Pomponio or Melinda DiCarlo if this interests you and you’d like to help.

And please, remember you are always warmly welcomed to any adult forum Sundays at 9:30 in room 109. We can promise rich discussion, hot coffee, and yummy baked goodies!


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